Find Duplicate Data in a MySQL Database

Here is a handy little query for finding duplicate data in a MySQL data base. This can be useful for finding duplicate data, creating a leaderboard, a top ten list, etc. My original use case was to assist in de-duping some large database tables.

SELECT count(some_column), some_column FROM some_table GROUP BY some_column HAVING count(*) > 1;

In the following example I modified the code to return a list of the 10 most common first names among all of the entries in the people table.

SELECT count(first_name) as Count, first_name as Name FROM people GROUP BY first_name HAVING count(*) > 1 ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 10;

The results will look like the following.

| Count | Name    |
|    29 | Michael |
|    24 | John    |
|    18 | James   |
|    18 | David   |
|    16 | Robert  |
|    11 | Jason   |
|    11 | William |
|     9 | Charles |
|     9 | Anthony |
|     8 | Eric    |
10 rows in set (0.01 sec)